Posts Tagged ‘low-carb’

“You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!”

I really enjoy the title of this book. I’m slowly reading it. I think I have to read a little, then digest and ponder before I can continue reading. It has been very helpful in identifying why I have struggled with some of the things I’ve struggled with in my life. Good stuff!

I also had to write today because I was sort of shocked when I got on the scales this morning. As of last Thursday, I had lost 51 lbs. For the past 3 or 4 weeks, I’ve been losing an average of 2-3 lbs per week. It’s not as much as I’d like but it’s near the “weekly recommend amount for weight-loss.” Over the weekend, I had planned for a higher carb Sunday during a bridal shower. I had a piece of cake. It was quite yummy to eat. But I must admit, I didn’t feel so swell afterwards. Funny thing is that not feeling well made me happy. It has been 2 and 1/2 months since I have had that many carbs in a day, let alone one “meal.” It discourages me from eating excessive carbs in the future.

I prepared for my higher-carb indulgence by restricting myself to about 20 net carbs per day on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I normally allow for 20-30 net carbs. I had my carbs Sunday and then went back to 21 net carbs yesterday. This morning I stepped on the scales. I thought I would stay the same or possibly “gain” a pound. To my surprise, I have lost 7 lbs since last Thursday’s weigh-in. That takes me to a total weight-loss since March 23rd of 58 lbs. Woo Hoo!!

I also confess, I have not done much in the way of exercise. At the very, very least I want to start doing “stand-ups, sit-downs” that Steph had me do when I was training. They really strengthened my knees. I’d also like to throw in some walking or biking as well. I think that will increase my stamina and endurance and hopefully help as I continue to lose weight. One of the many things I’m looking forward to is going to my doctor’s office and actually being able to use his scales. I haven’t been able to use a doctor’s scales (even the new digital “high capacity” ones) in about 7 years.

Well, time to get to work. Thanks for reading and have a great day!!



Posted: May 12, 2011 in Update
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Old Methodist Church at Cade's Cove

It’s been quite awhile since my last update. My apologies to all of you who are supporting me in my quest. Rest assured, I am still on my quest. Though I have certainly had my share of obstacles and frustrations. I would like to give you an update since I last wrote of all that happened in April.

In the first week of April my Dad and I took a little vacation down to Gatlinburg, TN. It was a much needed vacation and a whole lot of fun. I took the picture above with my cell phone while we were going through Cade’s Cove. If you have never been there… you have got to go. It’s absolutely beautiful. It was the first vacation my Dad had gone on since my step-Mom passed at the end of November. It was a bittersweet trip for him in many ways. However, we had a great time with some fun memories to bring home.

Upon returning, I continued my personal training with Steph. She still kicks my butt. However, I saw very little results. I just didn’t/don’t get it. Last year, I dieted… without much exercise and lost 55 lbs. That’s the way it has always been for me. Now, I diet and exercise and see very little happening. That is sooooo frustrating. I had lowered my daily calorie intake to 2,000. There’s was one week that it seemed to make a difference, but that was it. I faltered on my diet several times. Nothing was ever the extreme that is used to be. In the past, I could easily consume between 3,500 and 5,000 in one day. That’s crazy. Over the past month, if I faltered it was somewhere between 2,800 and 3,200 calories. That’s not sticking to my original commitment, but based on my previous experiences with weight-loss I still expected to see minimal results.

Last week was show week with Snap! This was my 7th year performing/playing with the group. It has become something that I look forward to every year. I started out playing bass. For the past 2 years I’ve been the band director. The cast is great and the band is a blast. We have so much fun. With dress rehearsals and/or performances for 7 days straight, it was a busy week. Didn’t always do the best with diet, but I continued to meet with Steph for training.

After a month of seeing little to no results and always feeling hungry, I once again decided it was time for a change in my diet approach. I had also watched several documentaries about food, health, nutritional, national epidemics of obesity, etc. There are conspiracies everywhere from every angle. Regardless, my favorite is a documentary by Tom Naughton called Fat Head.

Now, some of his claims are bold and oppose most of what we have been told and taught. If nothing else, it’s one of the most entertaining documentaries I’ve ever seen. But, a lot of it did seem to ring true, so I’ve started my own little quest to check some of his facts. I’ll let you know what I find.

So, my “new” diet approach is an old standard for me personally. I have used this approach previously with success but usually got bored or tired of it. That’s right… the Atkin’s approach. Before you get too concerned that I’m eating large quantities of butter, cheese, and fatty meats… that’s not what Atkin’s is advocating. The focus changes from counting calories to counting carbs and understanding what carbs do to our bodies. I’m in Phase I known as the Induction Phase. Since Monday, I’ve lot 7 lbs. I’ll continue to keep you updated.

I will continue my quest. I still want to lose 100 lbs by August. That’s getting tougher to do the closer August 5th gets and with seeing such little results thus far. But with the Atkin’s approach, I am hopeful. I admit, I miss corn and potatoes and peas, but I like that I don’t always feel hungry.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Also, thanks for reading!

~ Michelle